
Agaricus bisporus

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Both fresh and dried mushrooms are used in the processing industry and cooking in many different ways. Dried mushrooms can be used as a low-calorie, flavourful and healthy addition to our meals, so it is worth using them as much as possible. While processing mushrooms, we are particularly interested in preserving their nutritional value and aroma. Fresh mushrooms are washed and cleaned. After they are chopped, they are dried. During heat treatment, water, which constitutes about 90% of fresh mushrooms, is evaporated from them. While being processed, mushrooms get smaller, but they don’t lose their nutritional value, and they keep their fragrance and taste. Despite water being evaporated from the mushrooms, dried champignons are still rich in vitamins and nutrients, practically at the same level as in the case of fresh mushrooms. We can store dried mushrooms for a long time without worrying that they lose their quality. The refined manufacturing process of heat treatment means that we use only hot air in the process so that our products don’t contain any preservatives. The product is 100% natural, without GMOs.

In order to meet all the requirements of the production and retail market, we offer all possible extract fractions and granularity types. Our modern machines enable us to meet the requirements of every client’s order – from flakes to pellets to powders.


This is a very important indicator in the food processing industry. Dlatego też, poddajemy nasze pieczarki regularnym badaniom, w akredytowanych laboratoriach badawczych. Grzyby suszone poddawane są procesom pasteryzacji i sterylizacji, które również podlegają procesom kontroli pod kątem wilgotności towaru. Dzięki temu procesowi, termin przydatności do spożycia produktu wydłuża się z 12 do 24 miesięcy. As a consequence, the product meets the highest quality standards from the microbiological point of view.

Certified quality

The quality certificates IFS, and Global Gap, held by our company, confirm the highest quality of our products. We own the kosher certificate and the certificate of organic origin for champignons.

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Xerocomus Badius
